The 2023 Annual United States Submarine Veterans Western Regional Roundup was held from April 27, 2023 to April 29, 2023 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Sacramento, CA. 105 attendees (including submarine veterans’ guests) were present. Activities included Memorabilia Auctions, presentations, workshops, a movie night (Hunter Killer and Operation Petticoat), a luncheon, a dinner banquet, a Tolling of the Boats Ceremony, and more.
NOTE: If anyone took other photos of the Roundup that they would like to have added to this page, send them to Follow this LINK to see photos from other year’s Western Region Roundups.
YOUR WESTERN REGION ROUNDUP COMMITTEE These guys spent hours in ZOOM calls prior to the Roundup and came in early and stayed late throughout the Roundup to make sure everything went smoothly! Additional thanks to various members of the Host Base, Gold Country, who volunteered to help the Committee.
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THE HOSPITALITY ROOM The Hospitality Room was a common area where the attendees came to register and meet between other events. This is where sea stories are shared! There were other tables with vendors and representatives, including Jenny Dugan, The Vest Lady, Ken Earls, representing the USSVI Charitable Fund, Dennis Nardone, representing the USSVI National Office, George Wallace presenting his books and the 2023 Tucson National Convention Committee represented by Romie Ortiz and Alice Woods. Refreshments were always available.
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WORKSHOP – BASE VITALITY WORKSHOP Mike O’Brien led a workshop on improving Base Vitality.
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WELCOME LUNCHEON The Welcome Luncheon was opened by the WRR Committee Chairman, Barry Wyatt, who was followed by the Weatern Division Director Pete Juhos. After lunch, George Wallace, CDR (ret) gave a presentation on how his Navy experiences on the submarines, including the USS John Adams (SSBN-620), USS Woodrow Wilson (SSBN-624), Executive Officer on the USS Spadefish (SSN-668), and Commanding Officer of the USS Houston (SSN-713) led to his becoming an author.
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PRESENTATION – NATIONAL AND BASE AWARDS Western Region Director Pete Juhos gave a presentation on “National and Base Awards.”
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WINEGLASS PAINTING Prior to the Julietta Winery tour and wine tasting, some of the attendees painted their own wineglasses to take along on the tour.
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WELCOME ROUNDTABLE The Welcome Roundtable is a great way to meet other Western Region Roundup participants. Those who come to the Roundup tend to spend their time with other former shipmates or other members from their own Bases. The Roundtable event rotates everyone with others that they may not know. Each table tells each other about themselves and then rotate after a preset time to another table and cycle repeats until everyone has met everyone else. Barry Wyatt kept time and coordinate the rotations.
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PRESENTATION – LOCAL MEDIA RELATIONS Barry Wyatt led a workshop on Local Media Relations.
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WORKSHOP – BASE FUND RAISING Les Jamison led a workshop on Base Fundraising.
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WINERY TOUR Some of the ladies went to the Julietta Winery for a tour and wine tasting.
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TOLLING OF THE BOATS The Tolling of the Boats ceremony was expanded this year to include some of the progress that has been made in locating the lost boats.
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GROUP PHOTO Rod Stark took the Group Photo for the Western Region Roundup. That photo is at the top of this page, BUT, Rod’s Group Photo wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t have a photo of Rod “risking his life” to take our photo!
WHERE’S WALDO (Where’s Rex?) I posted the Roundup group photo at the top of this webpage and on the Facebook Page but it wasn’t until I received my photo in the mail that I noticed Rex Stark was in the photo. Those of us in the photo know that Rex was standing on the table taking the photo, but through his magic of photo editing, he placed himself in the photo. I need to pay attention to Rex’s technique, because as our webmaster taking photos, I am never in the photos! Can you find Rex in the group photo at the top of this page?
Credit to Ed McCarthy for capturing this photo of Rod’s acrobatics.
Click on the photo to enlarge.
SUBMARINE MOVIE NIGHT Submarine Movie Night included “Hunter Killer” and “Operation Petticoat.” The “Hunter Killer” movie is based on George Wallace’s novel “Firing Point.” George was our guest speaker at the Wednesday luncheon. George led a question and answer period after the movie. After “Hunter Killer,” we watched “Operation Petticoat.” Even the popcorn was a hit.
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WORKSHOP – FUTURE OF THE WRR A workshop was conducted to hear what works and doesn’t work to improve the Western Region Roundups.
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PRESENTATION – USSVI CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Ken Earls, the USSVI Charitable Fund Executive Director, gave a presentation. He also awarded a special patch to 4 Submarine Veterans who are notable donors to the Foundation, Jim DeMott, Jim Garvey, Terry Moore and Dennis Nardone.
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LIVE AUCTION / SOCIAL HOUR These were the items in the Live Auction.
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THE DINNER BANQUET The Saturday Formal Dinner Banquet was the last activity of the Western Region Roundup. It was a last opportunity to see old friends for a while and share sea stories. Unfortunately, the Keynote Speaker, Retired Rear Adm. Winford G. “Jerry” Ellis, former Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, was unavailable, but USSVI National Commander, Bill Andrea, filled in.
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SILENT AUCTION ITEMS There were many items up for bid in the Silent Auction. The “BEST ITEMS” were set aside for the Live Auction.
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SALE ITEMS There were also numerous books and plaques offered for sale.