Some WWII Veterans at the 2015 Western Region Roundup

The Annual United States Submarine Veterans Western Regional Roundup was held from 26 April 2015 to 1 May 2015 at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin, NV.
Activities included a tour of the Submarine Memorial Museum at VFW 2555 in Golden Valley (near Kingman, AZ,) formal and informal luncheons and dinners, a boat ride, a fun nite, a joint BBQ with American Legion Post 60, a cribbage and acey-deucy tournament, and a Tolling of the Boats ceremony.

Follow this LINK to see photos from other year’s Western Region Roundups.

The tour of the Submarine Memorial Museum at VFW 2555 in Golden Valley (near Kingman, AZ.)

The boat ride.

The Roundup ceremonies.